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Help Manual






The e-Services Portal ( aims at providing teachers (including principals) and schools in Hong Kong a secure and reliable web-based system with multiple education services. Its main services include the management of teacher profiles, web-enrolment of training courses, and email services. Teacher data collected through the Portal will be used for various purposes, such as data analysis and compilation of teacher statistics.

Scope of Help Manual


The e-Services Portal has two sections, namely the Teacher Desk and School Desk. Teacher Desk provides an interface for teachers to update their Teacher Profiles and Continuing Professional Development (CPD) Activities Records systematically. School Desk is designed for Master School Administrators and School Administrators to manage teachers’ current appointment details and verify records submitted by teachers. Teacher Desk and School Desk use different theme colours, brown (see Screenshot 1) and blue (see Screenshot 2) respectively, to make it easier for teachers and School Administrators to distinguish between the two. This Help Manual, meanwhile, also uses the same colour scheme to indicate information relating to either Teacher Desk or School Desk.


As the new design has incorporated most of the user instructions into the interface, this Help Manual will adopt the format of Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs). Please select the most relevant branch of questions from the menu on the left and click your selection from a list of related questions and answers. If your question is not covered here, you are welcome to contact us during office hours. We will summarise and compile the answers to these additional questions and update the FAQs accordingly for the convenience of future users.


Office Hours

Monday to Friday: 8:30 am to 6 pm

             (Lunch hour from 1 pm to 2 pm)

Saturday, Sunday and Public Holidays: Closed




Contact Us

For enquiries about the e-Services Portal, please contact us via:

1.  Phone: 3698 3640

2.  Email:

3.  The “Contact Us” function in your account.



(Screenshot 1: Teacher Desk menu)


(Screenshot 2: School Desk menu)