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3. How does the school verify the BLNST result submitted by teachers/principals?


From the School Desk menu on the left, select “Teacher Profile Verification” then “Waiting for Verification”. Click the teacher’s/principal’s name, select the BLNST information submitted by the teacher/principals, and click “Verify” to confirm the information.



If some of the information is inaccurate or requires the teacher’s/principal’s correction, please state the reasons for rejecting it, and click “Reject”.






Questions in the same category:

1.How does the school identify if a teacher/principal is a newly-appointed teacher and needs to meet the BLNST requirement?

2.Which newly-appointed teachers are not required to meet the BLNST requirement?

3.How does the school verify the BLNST result submitted by teachers/principals?

4.How does the school submit the teachers’ or the principal’s verified BLNST result to EDB?

5.How does the school export the submitted teacher list as excel file?

6.How does the school recall the teacher list after submitting to the EDB?