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Help Manual > School Desk > School Account Delegation

Frequently asked questions


2. What is the difference between Delegated School Administrator (Teaching Staff) (DSA(T)) and Delegated School Administrator (Administrative Staff) (DSA(A))?


DSA(T) is for Master School Administrator (MSA) to delegate e-Services Portal related administration tasks to teachers. As teachers already have e-Services accounts, after MSA has set a teacher as DSA(T), the teacher can switch between Teacher Desk and School Desk after logging in to e-Services Portal to respectively manage the teacher's own personal data and the administration tasks delegated by MSA.


DSA(A) is for MSA to delegate administration tasks to non-teaching staff, e.g. secretary, etc. When MSA adds a DSA(A), the MSA should follow the system's instructions to open an e-Services account for the non-teaching staff for logging in to e-Services Portal School Desk to perform the administrative tasks delegated by MSA.





As the system will not automatically notify the administrative staff or teacher concerned about the additional system functions now under his/her control, please inform him/her of the arrangement upon completion of the delegation process.

Questions in the same category:

1.How does Master School Administrator (MSA) delegate certain functions to administrative staff or teachers?

2.What is the difference between Delegated School Administrator (Teaching Staff) (DSA(T)) and Delegated School Administrator (Administrative Staff) (DSA(A))?

3.How does Delegated School Administrator (Teaching Staff) DSA(T) log in to the School Desk?

4.Should I retract the delegation given to a Delegated School Administrator (Teaching Staff) (DSA(T)) who has departed?

5.Do delegated accounts have the same function sets as the Master School Administrator (MSA) account?