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Help Manual > School Desk > School Account Delegation

Frequently asked questions


3. How does Delegated School Administrator (Teaching Staff) DSA(T) log in to the School Desk?


If Master School Administrator (MSA) has assigned a teacher as DSA(T), when the teacher logs in to e-Services Portal, the default interface would be "Teacher Desk". The teacher can switch to "School Desk" by clicking "Switch to School Desk" in the left menu to use the functions assigned by MSA. Similarly, it can be switched back to "Teacher Desk" anytime.








If DSA(T) would like to log in to Training Calendar System as a School Administrator, it should first be switched to "School Desk" on e-Services Portal and then click "Training Calendar System (TCS)".



Related information:

Questions in the same category:

1.How does Master School Administrator (MSA) delegate certain functions to administrative staff or teachers?

2.What is the difference between Delegated School Administrator (Teaching Staff) (DSA(T)) and Delegated School Administrator (Administrative Staff) (DSA(A))?

3.How does Delegated School Administrator (Teaching Staff) DSA(T) log in to the School Desk?

4.Should I retract the delegation given to a Delegated School Administrator (Teaching Staff) (DSA(T)) who has departed?

5.Do delegated accounts have the same function sets as the Master School Administrator (MSA) account?