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Help Manual > School Desk > School Account Delegation

Frequently asked questions


5. Do delegated school accounts share the same function set with the master school account?


Even though the Master School Administrator (MSA) has delegated all system functions to a Delegated School Administrator (DSA), their accounts are still functionally different in the following 5 aspects:

Questions in the same category:

1.How do I delegate certain functions of Master School Administrator account to administrative staff or teachers?

2.What is the difference between DSA(T) and DSA(A)?

3.How does a DSA(T) log onto the School Desk?

4.Should I retract the delegation given to a DSA(T) who has departed?

5.Do delegated school accounts share the same function set with the master school account?


1.“Monthly Salary and Session Employed” (only available to the MSAs of kindergartens)


2.As DSAs cannot access the e-Services Portal’s school email system, “MSA Email System” is available only to MSAs.


3.“Account Delegation” is a system feature accessible to MSAs only.


4.MSAs and DSA(A)s can both change their passwords via School Desk, but DSA(T)s can only change their passwords via Teacher Desk.


5.DSA(T)s are given an additional button called “Switch to Teacher Desk” for them to conveniently switch to Teacher Desk to manage their personal e-Services account.