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Help Manual > Teacher Desk > Teacher Account Issues

Frequently asked questions


1.If I forget my username/password, what should I do?


If you forget your username or password, there are a number of ways for you to reset your password and check your username, depending on your circumstances:





1.The old password will automatically become invalid once you have started the “Forget/Reset Account Password” process. You have to complete the entire process before you can log into your account.

2.If you only forget your username, you may contact the School Administrators of your school. The school account carries all the usernames of serving teachers.



Related information:


Questions in the same category:

1.If I forget my username/password, what should I do?

2.How do I change my password?

3.How do I create an e-Services account?

4.If "Serving Schools" under "Teacher Profile" contains only previous school information/does not show new school information after I switched school, what should I do?