2.Where can I have an overview of the key information of all the teachers in the school, including their ranks, RT/PT numbers, usernames and updating status of their profiles?
The school can review and manage the following information of all serving teachers by selecting "School Profile" then "Teacher List":
Name of Teacher
Click the link to review the teacher’s profile and /or CPD activities record.
Secondary and Primary Schools: Rank/TOE/FTE
Kindergarten: Rank/TOE/FT or PT
Click the link to update the teacher’s appointment information or click the to terminate a teacher’s employment.
RT/PT Number
If the system fails to show the registration number, please submit the application forms for registration as a permitted teacher for untrained teachers, or ask trained teachers to submit their application forms for registration as a teacher.

Teacher Registration Team Hotline: 3467 8282
Discrepancy (for aided schools only)
If the is displayed, it means that there are discrepancies between e-Services and payroll records of a teacher’s information. Click the icon to go to the relevant page to review details of the discrepancies.
Teacher Survey Updating Status
Click to verify the personal profile submitted by the teacher or click / / to go to the relevant page and send an email to remind the teacher to update and submit his/her personal profile.
CPD Activities
Click to verify CPD Activities records submitted by a teacher, or click to go to the relevant page and send an email to remind the teacher to revise the rejected information before submitting it again.
If the system fails to show the username, the school has to perform New/Re-appointment registration for the teacher concerned even if he/she is already on the teacher list.
A/C Delegation
If a teacher is appointed as School Administrator, the system will indicate “DSA(T)” here.
It provides such information as whether a teacher is the principal, aged 60 or above, or on-leave/on secondment for the current school year, and so on.
In addition to the above information, the page also provides:
•A list of departing teachers; •A list of newly appointed teachers and/or teachers found on Payroll but their e-Services accounts have not been registered with the school; •A list of Delegated School Administrators or "DSA(A)"; •Comparison between the Number of Teaching Posts within Entitlement and the Number of Teacher Accounts in e-Services Portal (applicable to aided schools and government schools only). Direct Subsidy Scheme schools, private schools, private independent schools or kindergartens may input the "The number of teaching posts" here.

If you are a DSA(A), the information you may view and the matters you may handle are limited to those delegated by the Master School Administrator.
Related information:
Questions in the same category:
1.How does the system remind School Administrators to manage the teacher accounts and profiles? 2.Where can I have an overview of the key information of all the teachers in the school, including their ranks, RT/PT numbers, usernames and updating status of their profiles? 3.How do I interpret the table titled "Comparison between the Number of Teaching Posts within Entitlement and the Number of Teacher Accounts in e-Services Portal" ? 4.How do I update the number of teaching posts? What posts should be included? 5.What functions does the system provide for schools to compile statistics on the qualifications, teacher training status or age distribution of all the teachers in the school? 6.What function does the system provide for schools to compile statistics on the number of teachers reaching retirement age in the coming school year? 7.What function does the system provide for school to check the language proficiency status of English and Putonghua teachers? 8.Where can I find a list of teachers who have been registered as permitted teachers in my school? 9.If a teacher on the permitted teacher list has departed, what should I do? 10.Does the school have to create e-Services accounts for all Permitted Teachers in the school? |