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Help Manual > School Desk > School Account Issues

Frequently asked questions


3. How do MSA and DSA(A) change his/her password?


If a Master School Administrator (MSA) or a Delegated School Administrator (Administrative Staff) (DSA(A)) wants to change password, he/she can log onto the account and select “Account Setting” then “Change Password” from the School Desk menu on the left, and change the password by himself/herself.



(Screenshot: “Account Setting” > “Change Password”)




Related information:


Questions in the same category:

1.If the MSA forgets his/her username or password, what should he/she do?

2.If the DSA(A) forgets his/her username or password, what should he/she do?

3.How do MSA and DSA(A) change his/her password?

4.How do I create an e-Services account for the school?

5.Our school has both secondary and primary sections. Is there an easier way to manage two e-Services accounts?